Ron & Alicia Robinson Florist

Ron & Alicia Robinson Florist

Serving San Gabriel Valley | Family Owned Since 1972

Tempting Secret Santa Gifts

.single #maincontent .img-featured { object-position: top; } If you're participating in Secret Santa this year, it's sure to be a good time. The popular group gift swap is a mainstay in the West, with dozens of variations - some of them online - in play. Everyone loves the idea of concealing their identity and surprising their giftee with a present they didn't see coming, taking credit only long after the gift has been unwrapped. Secret Santa is a great way to bring coworkers or friends together for the holiday season and to ensure that everyone walks away with something without breaking the bank. But finding a gift can be a challenge, given the fact that we may not know the preferences and tastes of our recipient. Ron & Alicia Robinson Florist is here to help. Read More about Tempting Secret Santa Gifts »
Posted by raflorist on December 5, 2017 | Last Updated: November 9, 2020 Uncategorized