Nothing is more romantic than receiving a surprise bouquet of roses! As wonderful as roses are, Ron & Alicia Robinson Florist suggest showing your special someone how thankful you are by taking care of that new bouquet and making it last.
When you receive something as striking as our Sunrise Splendor, you want the brilliance to be long-lasting. Did you know you probably have items around your house that, when used properly, can keep roses fresh and crisp for weeks? Here are some examples:
- Clear soda: add ¼ cup of Sprite or Mountain Dew to your vase water. The sugar will make the blooms last longer.
- Apple Cider Vinegar: Mix 2 tablespoons along with 2 tablespoons of sugar to vase water to enhance freshness and longevity. Be sure to do this each time you change the vase water (every other day).
- Aspirin: Just like your grandmother taught you, a crushed aspirin in your vase water before adding flowers will keep them crisp and fresh longer.
- Pennies: The acid from the copper in pennies is enough to neutralize the bacteria growing in vase water and maintain original freshness for weeks.
For more great tips to maintain the freshness of your roses, talk to the professionals at Ron & Alicia Robinson Florist. We’re eager to help you see your roses last as long as possible.